Helsinki: Museovaunut / Helsinki: Museum trams | Suomen Raitiotieseura / Finnish Tramway Society |
![]() HKL 193 (Karia / Strömberg, built in 1947) was withdrawn in 1976 and was put aside for the then existing HKL museum. However it was scarapped the same year. It represented a so called "shortage tram" after the World War II. For example everything possible was made of wood. The Tram Museum has no such tram in its collection now. Kuva / Photo © Ilkka Hovi 1973 |
![]() (Turussakin oli raitiovaunuja vuoteen 1972). Vastaavanlaista vaunua ei ole Raitioliikennemuseon nykyisissä kokoelmissa.! HKL 226 (Kaipio / Strömberg, built in 1951) was withdrawn in 1974 and was put aside for the then existing HKL museum. However it was scrapped in 1978. The tram series HKL 219 - 226 (nicknamed "the tank", since Kaipio was also a safe manufacturer.) was the highlight of Finnish 2-axle trams. And they were the last 2-axle trams that were built in (and delivered to) Finland. ( The city of Turku also had trams at that time) The Tram Museum has no such tram in its collection now. Kuva / Photo © Taimo Tuomi 1973 |